Beddoes applications post CPR

Beddoes applications post CPR

Author: Sarah Asplin (2001)

Post Civil Procedure Rules have Beddeos applications changed?
Sarah Asplin provides the answers
(taken from Issue No 17  – October 2001)

Despite that aura of Jarndyce v Jarndyce which it seems one cannot help but invoke and the look of complete incomprehension which often comes over one’s audience when one even mentions it, the Beddoes application1 has survived the perilous journey from nineteenth century trust law to the post CPR world of the early twenty-first century in pretty good shape and is a more effective and an all the more necessary weapon in the trustee’s armoury than before.

Trust Quarterly Review

Trust Quarterly Review

The Trust Quarterly Review is published in partnership with STEP, it discusses matters of interest to trustees and executors with a focus on the particular interests of trust corporations in mind

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